Saturday, November 23, 2013

Friday, November 22, 2013


      Heyyyyyy heres an old video I made, it's very short but hey, I like it, and I hope you do too!
There is slight cussing o3o

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Today's post o3o

hehe here's today's piece :D

 Cameron x Jasper
Jasper is the one on the counter, he gets all blushy when he can see Cameron's full-face the same thing happens with Cameron when he sees Jasper's face c:
(c) WALWAL (:3=

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What do you think?

Made this for my friend's birthday tomorrow, she loves Brendon Urie c:

Think she'll like it? ;)

Got some reference for the tattoo online, and if you love Brendon Urie you should see the Girls/girls/boys video ;D

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Rebel Records ::GUYS AND GALS::

Here are the characters for a project of mine that I'm going to do c:

Jared is the owner of the record shop :p

(c) WALWAL (:3=

Saturday, November 16, 2013

ANOTHER PIC: Cameron x Jasper

 Cameron x Jasper
:c poor Cameron...
  Before Cameron was dating Jasper, he would go around sleeping with other guys, and go to crazy parties, this was his way of getting through his mother leaving him. He got into fights as well, it would mostly start with someone calling him names like, "slut," "faggot," "cock sucker," and so on...
Even though he's dating Jasper now, some guys still get into fights with him, but luckily he doesn't get that hurt as he use to because Jasper kicks their asses every time. When Cameron get's into fights, Jasper is usually there to comfort him and to clean him up, which is basically what's happening here.

Characters belong to me~
(c) WALWAL (:3=

Today's picture of the day! c:
A grumpy Jasper, getting mad at his boyfriend Cameron~<3
(c) WALWAL (:3=
*all characters belong to me*

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

First post!

Hello! I am Willy Walrus and it is a pleasure to meet all of you lovely human beings, or aliens... well whatever you are, you are lovely c:

Here is where I post whatever I would like to post, but it is mainly going to be my art, and sometimes my poetry

I have many styles of art, but my main style is manga owo

Here are some examples of my art:

Well I hope you like what you see, and will follow, comment, and share! Thank you good bye! 030
- WALWAL (:3=