Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sunday Check-In

Yooo guysss, just checkin in 

Jesus, I got a ton of homework especially chemistry, but also Humanities. We have this huge packet we have to do to study for our philosophy mid-term, bleehhhh

I should seriously do it to get it out of the way, but seriously it's Sunday

Well, besides having an elephant's shit worth of homework T_T... I'm finally going to the record store today! :D

I'm going to take a BUNCH of pics inside and out of the record store for reference for my comic. I can finally get freaking started on this thing!!!

I hope to have at least a couple of drafts for the Anime Conji, so I can show some work. The comic is more of a story board though, because I actually want this to become into a web series on youtube. It won't be animated... but sort of, and there will be people doing the voices and everything.

What sucks is that, I can't really spend any money because I want to get a mac to record everything on garage band, and that costs like 2000 dlrs 0_0 but I really want this to happen so yeah.

I think at home depot they have those spongy things too for a recording studio, at least I hope.
Well whateves, when the time comes to worry about that shit I will, but for now, yeah I'm gonna get my "comic" started! :)

So yeah, that's what's currently going on in my life, what's been going on in yours?

- Walrus (:3= <3

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