Sunday, September 21, 2014

Back in school: CHECK-IN

         Hey guys, I am back in school :'(

I can't believe that I'm a Junior already!!! I'm so glad! Only 1 more frikkin year to go before I am free!!!
So anyways, since it's junior year I don't wanna slack off anymore, I gotta be disciplined. I'm going to turn in all my work on time, and keep working after school like I have been so far. I'm working harder this year because, they say Junior year is the year colleges mostly look at, and also because if I get good grades I'll get a new computer!!! Then I can finally post stuff on here ;o;

Well, then again I could post stuff of my drawings by taking pics, but the thing is, this is my mom's comp and if I upload any more pictures on to her comp, it's gonna be slower then it already is >:T

So yeah, I guess the only thing I can really post on here is my writing o_o

So I guess you'll be seeing more writing from me then? I'm not really sure... :T

Oh well, we'll just have to see. I've been sick for the past week also, and it's been miserable but I'm finally getting better by drinking tea with honey and lemon. It works like a charm. Seriously you should try it, its great for soar throats.

Besides all this stuff, I'm going to be going to The Kooks concert this friday at the House of Blues!!! AAAHHH!!! I'm so excited, I fuckin' love The Kooks! @_@!
And after that... I believe I may be going to see Paul Mccartney as weeellll :)

Oh! Also, my friend and I made a bombin song on the uke, which I will most likely post on here. I wrote the lyrics and also showed him the rythym but he added more fling and it came out amazing o_o

So yeah, that's what's been going on in the land of Walrus :P

Hope your lives are filled with love and happiness
                 Willy Walrus

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