Friday, November 28, 2014

November Check-in: Happy Thanksgiving! etc.

Hey hey hey! It's been a while everyone and I just wanna say Happy Thanksgiving!!! :D

I have got so much to tell you guys, at least I think so... idk o_o

Well anyways... I can't really upload art bc on this computer it is super hard to find pictures and all this crap, it's all complicated and shizzle.

So um yeahhhh, Thanksgiving break is almost at an end and I am super duper sad, especially because I have to do 2 essays and possibly more math >:(

Does anyone else have homework over break? T_T
It totally blows.

What have I been up to during Thanksgiving? Well what any other teenage girl would be up to:
Reading lots of boy x boy stories on Wattpad.

Shout out to all the homies who read boy x boy stories!!! I love you all!!! :)

Something really weird and interesting happened though. I was going through Wattpad searching for tasty boy love stories, when I come upon a story called: Confessions of a Gay Disney Prince. And I think to myself: well this sounds interesting. So I start to read it, and I end up LOVING IT, but then about 5 pages in I realize that it's a Larry Stylinson fan fic. I was so caught off-guard, because I am the person who mocks 1D fans, the person who says "psshhh One Direction? Are you kidding me?" I am one of the last people to ever read a 1D fan fic. But because this story is so in-depth with it's characters and is so freakin' good, I keep on reading it. Before I know it, I start to look into One Direction. I now know all their names, and have seen videos of them, and have seen "Larry Stylinson" moments.

And that's when I got sucked in a pitiful black hole of despair filled with cute english boys and raging fan girls.

I even got hooked on the song Night Changes, and played it like 20x yesterday, plus even learned how to play it on ukulele.

So what I'm saying is that, I now understand the big hype about One Direction:

They're extremely attractive english boys.

I am not a big fan of their music though. I do really like Night Changes, and Steal My Girl is frikkin' catchy as hell, but overall their music is not very appealing to me. I also can't help smiling every time I hear Louise sing because he sounds like a girl.

When I first heard Louise's voice in an interview I started to laugh, because I really didn't expect his voice to be so high-pitched, and I also didn't expect Harry's to be low.

I'm pretty sure that my 2 favorites are Niall and Harry because they both seem very sweet, plus Niall is irish and I love the irish, also, Harry has GREEN EYES. AAHHHH!!!! I fuckin' love green eyes!!!

But anyways, the fan fic that I'm reading right now is probably going to be the only Larry fan fic I read- but then again I may not keep that promise o_o

The fact that I'm reading a Larry fan-fic is super weird to me still, but it's so fuckin' good that I am literally dying on the inside while I wait for it to update.

This sort of brings me to the next thing I wanted to talk about. I'm just going to tell you straight-out that I'm a very spiritual person. Energy crystals, the universe, chakras, I believe in all that good stuff.

So, I was reading Lee Harris's November energy report, and what it says is: Let go of the old habits and change into the new, gain a new perspective, do not be afraid and don't judge yourself too harshly.

I feel like this is what I- and a lot of other people are going through right now.

I've been feeling anxious about school and see now that I need to work hard, and a new semester is coming up so it'll give me a chance to be re-born in a way. It also connects to the One Direction thing. As I said, it's very weird that I'm reading a Larry fan-fic, and have sort of come to judge myself. Like:"Oh you're reading this, really?" But, so what? This is exactly was Lee Harris is saying. Don't judge yourself too harshly, leave old habits!

Reading this fan-fic has caused me to gain a new perspective- The perspective of crazy 1D fans. Now that I understand the hype, I will probably never judge a 1D fan ever again. I am actually excited to talk about this with my friend who is a One Direction fan when I get back to school.

It's okay to be girly, it's okay to be into 1D, there is nothing wrong with it. This is what I'm going through right now, letting go of old judgements and coming into new light.

Hahaha didn't think I could get deep with a Larry Stylinson fan-fic did ya?

Well anyways, that's what's been going on, and this check-in is already long enough soooo perhaps I should end it soon.

I am so sorry that I am unable to post art here, but I post almost all my art on Instagram, so please follow me if interested. I have also begun being more active on Twitter so if you would like to see what I post follow me @WillyWalrus23.

If you're also interested in the fan-fic I'm reading right now, and would like to get sucked in with me then click here.

Alright, thank you all for listening to me blabber on :)
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving break, I love you all!

- Willy (:3=

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