Saturday, June 28, 2014

Writing: Sock People

Hey guys, I recently bought 3 books and finished 2 of those in 2 days. I've been doing nothing but reading, and since I've been reading, that inspired me to write, so expect some writing from me. It has truly been wonderful just sitting and reading by my window, letting the sunlight pour in while eating strawberries or cherries :)

Heres a writing piece from my thought journal I wrote a while ago:

      While I was folding my clothes today, and soon started folding my socks... I started thinking how maybe socks are somehow like people.

      You start off with a pair but over time it gets lost, the other sock, that is, and it finds a new sock. So now you have a mismatched pair. I thought that the pair represented friends, like when you first start out with someone you really like, but for whatever reason you get separated. Perhaps you fought, or had to move, maybe they weren't the person you thought they were, and so you left or maybe they did. This does not matter though, because you've found a new sock, and it's better than the one you had before, or you just found someone new to be with. You didn't always have to be with the same person, you can be with someone new, and maybe you'll like them more, but then again, what happens when that sock gets lost too? You would then have to find another one, and become a different mismatched pair than the one you were before.

That's how life is though, people come in and out. You can't expect to stay with the same match forever. It's a sort of sad thing really, because sometimes you really want to stay with that person but you simply cannot. But you must not fret, because there will always be plenty of socks to make a new pair with.

- Willy Walrus (:3=

Friday, June 20, 2014


Woohoo!!! :D

Summer is finally here! My first frikkin day of freedom! And what better way to celebrate it then by going to the Del Mar Fair :D

Yessss, I haven't been to the fair in forever O_O

So yeah, that's gonna be fun. I may have to go to summer school but that's alright, nothing I can't handle :)

I cannot wait to do so many things! I will hopefully also be hanging out with my best bro on Monday just chillin and kickin it back, jammin on the uke owo

Anyways, I got my tablet disc back so you may be seeing more art now, wooooo!!! Also, I'll take some pics of my traditional art but yea owo

I also got offered a job to scan comic pages, which sounds pretty cool because I could learn something and it fits my interests more, but yeah if I don't get that job then I'll be working at a cafe/hookah bar/art store which also sounds fun (ouo)/

Alright, well that's what's going on with my life right now thx for listening or not listening o_o

Love u sweet thanngggggsss! :)
Comment or not

- willy walrus (:3=

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Monthly Letter #1

Hey guys, just wanted to let you in on a little thing~

So my neighbor and I use to be childhood friends, but now, (of course) we're not so close. We talked a bit even after we were kids but anyways, for some wild reason I decided to send him a letter.

 It's not a love letter or anything, it was just a letter with a music recommendation in it. I recommended System of a Down to him since I know he was going through a bit of a screamo phase, but anyways I sent my first letter out this Saturday or Sunday not sure...

I don't know if he knows it's me, I feel like he probably does but I'm hoping he doesn't? I mean then again I wouldn't really care if he knew it was me soooo... whatever? So I think I've decided to do this: once a month just send him a letter with a music recommendation in it.

Again: I'm not sure why I'm doing this. I think partly its because I want him to feel special in a way...? Because I mean, if someone sent you a letter I think you would feel special. I think the other part of it is that, I miss us being close, like he was a really cool friend to have, and it makes me a little sad that we've grown apart. Then again, maybe I should just let it go?

But again, I feel like I need to have one last go, like maybe this will somehow build a bond between us?
Anyways, thanks for listening to me drag on :)

*comment! (or not I still luv u) c:

- WALRUS (:3=

Sunday, June 8, 2014

CHECK IN: Summer, no tablet, stuff

Hey you guys, I am alive! I know I haven't written a post in A LONNGGG TIME but I am back, and I'm just here to tell you what's been going on.

Ok so first off, my computer finally stopped working, so I've been using my mom's, but it sucks because I can't use my tablet. I've tried to install the drive into my mom's mac, but you can no longer do that, you can only install it into the new OS X so yeahhh.... Don't expect any digital art from me, until I get a new laptop.

This doesn't mean I'll completely stop drawing though, of course I'll be doing traditional art, taking pics of it, and uploading it onto here. Back to the "old fashioned way," and since summer is almost here (YES!!! :D) I'll be drawing WAY more, I get out on June 19, so yeah expect lots of art from me :)

I would also like to tell you that this summer I will also be working on getting my youtube series: Rebel Records up and running! I am so excited to work on it, and hopefully I can upload the first episode on youtube as well :) I may be a little too optimistic though, because it does take  LONG WHILE to do stuff like this, plus I need a new laptop so yea... we'll see if that works out '.'

On a more personal note:
I got asked out on a date for the FIRST time ever in my whole life, I couldn't believe it and I was super weirded out because I have the sexual appeal of a wombat and the awkwardness of a salamander o_o

But yea, the first time was through text which I called him a weenie for, but the second time he actually asked me in person which was better, but yeah I turned him down both times. I don't really feel like dating anyone, plus I am friends with him, but I don't KNOW him too well. So yeah, pretty cray shizzle, I've been single this long not gonna stop being single now :)

Also fun fact that you didn't know, there are no fun facts :D haha no in all seriousness, I play the ukulele and the bass, but lately I've been playing the ukulele more. Anyways, so far on the ukulele I have 6 songs! I need 6 more to make a full album!!! Ahhh!!! So yea, I've been working on getting 12 songs so I can work on my album on garage band this summer. Hopefully I will have it finished and completed this summer so you guys can hear it :)

I am super duper excited, thank you guys for hearing me ramble on, or for not hearing me ramble on whateves it's cool I still love you either way uwu

Alright that's all that's happened or happening in my life right now, bye love you darlings :)

- Walrus (:3=