Saturday, June 28, 2014

Writing: Sock People

Hey guys, I recently bought 3 books and finished 2 of those in 2 days. I've been doing nothing but reading, and since I've been reading, that inspired me to write, so expect some writing from me. It has truly been wonderful just sitting and reading by my window, letting the sunlight pour in while eating strawberries or cherries :)

Heres a writing piece from my thought journal I wrote a while ago:

      While I was folding my clothes today, and soon started folding my socks... I started thinking how maybe socks are somehow like people.

      You start off with a pair but over time it gets lost, the other sock, that is, and it finds a new sock. So now you have a mismatched pair. I thought that the pair represented friends, like when you first start out with someone you really like, but for whatever reason you get separated. Perhaps you fought, or had to move, maybe they weren't the person you thought they were, and so you left or maybe they did. This does not matter though, because you've found a new sock, and it's better than the one you had before, or you just found someone new to be with. You didn't always have to be with the same person, you can be with someone new, and maybe you'll like them more, but then again, what happens when that sock gets lost too? You would then have to find another one, and become a different mismatched pair than the one you were before.

That's how life is though, people come in and out. You can't expect to stay with the same match forever. It's a sort of sad thing really, because sometimes you really want to stay with that person but you simply cannot. But you must not fret, because there will always be plenty of socks to make a new pair with.

- Willy Walrus (:3=

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