Sunday, June 8, 2014

CHECK IN: Summer, no tablet, stuff

Hey you guys, I am alive! I know I haven't written a post in A LONNGGG TIME but I am back, and I'm just here to tell you what's been going on.

Ok so first off, my computer finally stopped working, so I've been using my mom's, but it sucks because I can't use my tablet. I've tried to install the drive into my mom's mac, but you can no longer do that, you can only install it into the new OS X so yeahhh.... Don't expect any digital art from me, until I get a new laptop.

This doesn't mean I'll completely stop drawing though, of course I'll be doing traditional art, taking pics of it, and uploading it onto here. Back to the "old fashioned way," and since summer is almost here (YES!!! :D) I'll be drawing WAY more, I get out on June 19, so yeah expect lots of art from me :)

I would also like to tell you that this summer I will also be working on getting my youtube series: Rebel Records up and running! I am so excited to work on it, and hopefully I can upload the first episode on youtube as well :) I may be a little too optimistic though, because it does take  LONG WHILE to do stuff like this, plus I need a new laptop so yea... we'll see if that works out '.'

On a more personal note:
I got asked out on a date for the FIRST time ever in my whole life, I couldn't believe it and I was super weirded out because I have the sexual appeal of a wombat and the awkwardness of a salamander o_o

But yea, the first time was through text which I called him a weenie for, but the second time he actually asked me in person which was better, but yeah I turned him down both times. I don't really feel like dating anyone, plus I am friends with him, but I don't KNOW him too well. So yeah, pretty cray shizzle, I've been single this long not gonna stop being single now :)

Also fun fact that you didn't know, there are no fun facts :D haha no in all seriousness, I play the ukulele and the bass, but lately I've been playing the ukulele more. Anyways, so far on the ukulele I have 6 songs! I need 6 more to make a full album!!! Ahhh!!! So yea, I've been working on getting 12 songs so I can work on my album on garage band this summer. Hopefully I will have it finished and completed this summer so you guys can hear it :)

I am super duper excited, thank you guys for hearing me ramble on, or for not hearing me ramble on whateves it's cool I still love you either way uwu

Alright that's all that's happened or happening in my life right now, bye love you darlings :)

- Walrus (:3=

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